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Animal Products (Regulated Control Scheme – Cloned Animal Listing) Notice 2010
Animal Products (Regulated Control Scheme – On-farm and Stock Saleyard Verification) Notice 2015
Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme for Deer Velvet Harvest
REVOKED Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme - Control of Specified Substances
REVOKED Animal Products Notice: Contaminant Monitoring and Surveillance
Animal Products Notice: Raw Milk for Sale to Consumers - Regulated Control Scheme
Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme –Transportation and Handling of Products for Export with an Official Assurance
Animal Products Notice: Dairy Export Quota Products and Related Export Approvals - Regulated Control Scheme
Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme – Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish for Human Consumption
Animal Products Notice: Hormonal Growth Promotants (Effective 1 July 2024)