Why we charge
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) provides a range of important services that are critical to the operation and viability of New Zealand's primary industries, and to ensure the safety of consumers of New Zealand products. These services include:
- biosecurity inspections to prevent pests entering the country
- developing and maintaining domestic and overseas standards for food and other products
- monitoring and testing products to ensure consumer safety
- gaining market access and providing assurances to overseas customers.
To continue to provide these services and to ensure the quality of our systems, we recover most costs for our services from industry and individuals. We're also required by law to recover costs from those who most directly benefit from these services. Collecting these fees means MPI can continue to play its integral role in the growth of our primary sector export industry. MPI ensures New Zealanders and overseas consumers can trust New Zealand products to be safe and to meet standards.
Changes to fees
To ensure MPI is charging the appropriate fees for services, we regularly review our fees and charges. We consult with those affected. Subscribe to our consultations to stay informed.
Any changes to fees are usually effective from 1 July. Whether you’re charged the new or the old fee depends on when your application or work began.
Any work or applications received and accepted by MPI (and the applications are assessed as complete) before 1 July will be charged at old rates until the work is complete.
All work and applications received and accepted by MPI on or after 1 July will be charged at the new rates.
Recent updates to fees and charges
- 2024 changes to food safety levies
- 2024 update to cost recovery for biosecurity, animal welfare, and food systems
What you'll pay
You can find fees and charges information tailored to your product type in our information for:
- exporters
- importers
- growers and harvesters
- processors and handlers
- food safety
- log traders
- forestry advisers
Legislation listing fees and charges
You can also check legislation for fees and charges on the NZ Legislation website.
- Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (Fees, Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2015
- Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees, Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2015
- Animal Products (Fees, Charges, and Levies) Regulations 2007
- Animal Welfare (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2015
- Biosecurity (Border Processing Levy) Order 2015
- Biosecurity (Costs) Regulations 2010
- Biosecurity (System Entry Levy) Order 2010
- Climate Change (Forestry) Regulations 2022
- Fast-track Approvals Act 2024
- Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Regulations 2001
- Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for Conservation Services) Order 2019
- Fisheries (Cost Recovery Levies for Fisheries Services) Order 2019
- Fisheries (Cost Recovery) Rules 2001
- Food (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2015
- Forestry (Indigenous Timber Milling) Regulations 1993
Note: These regulations do not list all MPI's charges. There are some charges that are not set by regulation (like some laboratory fees).
Fast-track Approvals Act 2024
MPI has a role to play in the assessment of relevant applications under the Act. This includes:
- applying the undue adverse effects test under the Fisheries Act 1996
- identifying Treaty settlement obligations
- providing specialist advice that relates to consenting or statutory approvals.
MPI will charge a flat hourly rate of $177.00 (excl GST) as at 7 February 2025 for work undertaken by officials when processing projects under the Act.
Find out more about fast-track approvals
Fast-track approvals and process – NZ Government
Fast-track Approvals Act 2024 – NZ Legislation
Who to contact
If you have any questions about MPI's fees and charges:
- email costrecovery@mpi.govt.nz
- call 0800 00 83 33