Specifications and notices
Bivalve molluscan shellfish
If you are involved with bivalve molluscan shellfish on marine or land-based farms or in the wild and subject to a regulated control scheme use the:
Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme – Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish for Human Consumption [PDF, 903 KB]
Products intended for human consumption
This notice applies to:
- operators who process animal material and animal product for human consumption under risk management programmes
- suppliers of animal material to those operators.
Animal Product Notice: Production, Supply and Processing [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Fish product for export
This notice specifies the requirements that apply to all:
- fish product intended for export with an official assurance
- processors of fish product for export with an official assurance.
Animal Products (Fish Export Processing Requirements) Notice 2011 [PDF, 59 KB]
Recognised agencies and persons
This notice specifies the requirements that apply to recognised agencies and persons responsible for providing:
- verification
- other services to animal product businesses regulated under the Act (except for dairy processors).
Chapter N of the Animal Product Notice: Production, Supply and Processing [PDF, 1.9 MB]
Limited processing fishing vessels
If you operate a limited processing fishing vessel and export seafood directly from your vessel use:
Animal Product Notice: Limited Processing Fishing Vessels [PDF, 447 KB]
Animal Products (Regulated Control Scheme – Limited Processing Fishing Vessels) Regulations 2001
Contaminant specifications and exemptions
Find contaminant specifications for animal material and animal products intended for human consumption:
Animal Products Notice: Maximum Permissible Levels [PDF, 509 KB]
Find exemptions from specified animal material and products from the "Animal Products Notice: Contaminant Specifications" for specified levels of contaminants for export to countries:
Animal Products Notice: Contaminant Specifications 60b Exemption [PDF, 218 KB]
Contaminant monitoring and surveillance
Contaminant sampling regimes, and competent person and laboratory requirements, for MPI's National Chemical Residues Programme are in the:
Animal Products Notice: Monitoring Regimes [PDF, 267 KB]
E-cert fees
Fees are payable by the non-dairy animal product industry for use of MPI's E-cert system. The fees are based on the formula prescribed under the Animal Products (Fees, Charges and Levies) Regulations 2007 and are in the:
Animal Products Notice: Electronic Certification System Costs – Non-dairy Animal Product Industry [PDF, 179 KB]
Labelling requirements and names of fish
This document lists common, te reo Māori, and scientific names of fish and seafood. These names are used on labels for food for human consumption:
Find fish names and labelling fish for NZ and export markets
Find out more
Read about New Zealand and Australia's joint food standards
Who to contact
If you have questions about legislation for seafood processing, email info@mpi.govt.nz