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Proposed Separation of South Island Eel Stocks - Regulatory Impact Statement
Protection of oceanic whitetip shark - Regulatory Impact Statement
Recreational bag limit changes for bluenose and blue cod stocks - Regulatory Impact Statement
Recreational bag limits and minimum legal size in the Auckland (East) snapper (SNA 1) fishery - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regular Impact Statement: A Hector's and Maui dolphin Threat Management Plan Fisheries Measures
Regulation 11 of the Fisheries Challenger Area Commercial Fishing Regulations 1986 - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulations to eliminate shark finning in New Zealand fisheries - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulatory amendment to support introduction of attached bladder kelp stocks in Fishery Management Areas 3 and 4 into the Quota Management System - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulatory amendments to support introduction of Patagonian toothfish into the Quota Management System - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulatory amendments to support management measures for basking sharks to give effect to New Zealand's international obligations - Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulatory Impact Statement
Regulatory Impact Statement - 2017 Animal Welfare Regulations
Regulatory Impact Statement - Further Proposed Amendments to the Kiwifruit Export Regulations 1999
Regulatory Impact Statement - Proposed Amendments to the Kiwifruit Export Regulations 1999
Regulatory Impact Statement - Redacted
Regulatory Impact Statement: Salmonella Enteritidis Long Term Regulatory Framework