On this page:
- Agricultural soils
- Cropland and burning
- Enteric fermentation
- Fertiliser
- Forestry
- Indirect nitrous oxide emissions
- Livestock population and emissions
- Method development
- Mitigation technology
- Model
- Pasture renewal
- Pasture manure
- Pasture quality and feed use
- Reporting requirements
- Uncertainty
Agricultural soils
- Methodology for splitting nitrogen between livestock dung and urine [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- Area of organic soils in New Zealand [PDF, 2.4 MB]
Cropland and burning
- Estimating nitrous oxide emissions from cropping systems, and stubble and tussock burning [PDF, 877 KB]
- Review of nitrous oxide emission factors and activity data for crops [PDF, 436 KB]
Enteric fermentation
- Effect of level of intake on methane production per kg of dry matter intake [PDF, 794 KB]
- Evaluating energy equations used by the National Enteric Methane Inventory [PDF, 750 KB]
- Guidelines to accompany computerised inventory for ruminant methane [PDF, 410 KB]
- Methane emissions from cattle [PDF, 318 KB]
- Methane emissions from pregnant and lactating ewes fed different intakes of high-quality pasture [PDF, 274 KB]
- Methane emissions from sheep fed different intakes of high-quality pasture [PDF, 337 KB]
- Methane from ruminants using SF6 technique [PDF, 805 KB]
- Examining the New Zealand methane emissions dataset to obtain updated predictions of methane emissions from sheep suitable for incorporation into the national greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 713 KB]
- Updated predictions of enteric methane emissions from sheep suitable for use in the New Zealand national greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 435 KB]
- Review of New Zealand’s Fertiliser Nitrous Oxide Emission Factor (EF1) data [PDF, 820 KB]
- Review of New Zealand specific FracGASM and FracGASF emissions factors [PDF, 401 KB]
- Recommendations for country-specific EF1 values for farm dairy effluent (FDE) and urea fertilizer [PDF, 828 KB]
- Afforestation and deforestation intentions survey 2023 [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Deforestation intentions survey 2018 [PDF, 684 KB]
- Intentions of forest owners following harvest of post – 1989 forests [PDF, 353 KB]
- Predicting harvesting and deforestation of radiata pine forest blocks using national spatial datasets (2016) [PDF, 4.3 MB]
- Material flows and end-uses of harvested wood products produced from New Zealand log exports (2016) [PDF, 20 MB]
- Plot-based, growth performance of space-planted manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) on marginal land, and vulnerability to erosion (2016) [PDF, 2 MB]
Indirect nitrous oxide emissions
- Nitrous oxide emissions from waterways [PDF, 989 KB]
Livestock population and emissions
- A review of greenhouse gas emissions inventory methodology for farmed goats in New Zealand [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Better estimation of national ewe and beef cow liveweights [PDF, 489 KB]
- Emission estimations for the commercial chicken, non-chicken, and layer industries within New Zealand [PDF, 553 KB]
- Methane emissions and nitrogen excretion rates for New Zealand goats [PDF, 222 KB]
- Pork industry emissions inventory for New Zealand [PDF, 1 MB]
- Poultry management in New Zealand: Production, manure management, and emission estimations [PDF, 478 KB]
- Review of dressing out percentage in New Zealand livestock [PDF, 410 KB]
- Review of the Methodology for Alpaca Population Estimations used in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Review of population models within the national methane inventory (2010) [PDF, 700 KB]
Method development
- A comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from the New Zealand dairy sector calculated using either a national or a regional approach [PDF, 505 KB]
- Enhancing confidence in extrapolating emission measurements [PDF, 1.6 MB]
- Methodology and implications of incorporating irrigation into New Zealand's inventory [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Mitigation technology
- An inventory methodology for Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) [PDF, 4.1 MB]
- Capturing mitigation technology effects in National Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories [PDF, 246 KB]
- Desktop study of emission factors for urease inhibitors for nitrogen fertiliser [PDF, 466 KB]
- Effectiveness of policy options to reduce nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching from arable and annual horticultural land uses [PDF, 229 KB]
- Incorporation of the nitrification inhibitor DCD into New Zealand’s 2009 National Inventory [PDF, 284 KB]
- Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural pasture treated with nitrification inhibitors [PDF, 651 KB]
- Reductions in FracGASM and FracGASF in the GHG inventory when urease inhibitor has been applied to the soil and with N fertiliser [PDF, 776 KB]
- Role of inhibitors in mitigating nitrogen losses from urine and fertiliser inputs in pastures [PDF, 532 KB]
- The effect of timing on DCD application relative to urine deposition on nitrous oxide mitigation [PDF, 195 KB]
- Incorporation of GHG Management Options into MPI's Agricultural Inventory Model [PDF, 1.2 MB]
- Animal live weight calculations in the NZ Agricultural GHG Inventory Model [PDF, 725 KB]
- A review of New Zealand’s national methane inventory model [PDF, 197 KB]
- Methodology for calculation of New Zealand’s agricultural greenhouse gas emissions [PDF, 3.5 MB]
Pasture renewal
- Contributions of pasture renewal and N mineralisation to N2O emissions from pastoral farming systems [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Pasture renewal activity data and factors for New Zealand [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Pasture manure
- Determination of factors affecting upscaling of nitrous oxide emissions in hill country [PDF, 600 KB]
- Determination of the N2O emission factor for animal dung applied in late autumn in 3 regions of New Zealand [PDF, 516 KB]
- Determination of the N2O emission factor for animal dung applied in spring in 3 regions of New Zealand [PDF, 842 KB]
- Partitioning of animal excreta N into urine and dung and developing the N2O inventory [PDF, 463 KB]
- Refining the N2O emission factor for animal dung: Initial N2O results [PDF, 333 KB]
- Development of a framework for estimating nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser use on different slope pasture classes - final report (2016) [PDF, 855 KB]
- Methane and Nitrous oxide emission from sheep dung [PDF, 628 KB]
- Review of summer values for nitrous oxide emissions from animal excreta applied on pasture [PDF, 828 KB]
Pasture quality and feed use
- Statistical analysis to determine a nationally representative pasture quality sampling programme [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- Metabolisable energy and crude protein concentrations in grazed pastures in New Zealand [PDF, 3.2 MB]
- The effect of grazing state on pasture quality and implications for the New Zealand Greenhouse gas inventory [PDF, 1.3 MB]
- Supplementary Feed use in the Beef Industry [PDF, 2.8 MB]
- Trends in dairy effluent management [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- South Island dairy pasture quality [PDF, 106 KB]
- Feed use in the dairy industry [PDF, 1.8 MB]
- Analysis of supplemental feed use in the New Zealand sheep industry [PDF, 3 MB]
Reporting requirements
- Reducing uncertainty of the enteric methane emissions inventory [PDF, 596 KB]
- Uncertainty of National Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories [PDF, 152 KB]
- The uncertainty of nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grasslands: A New Zealand case study [PDF, 312 KB]
Who to contact
If you have questions about our greenhouse gas inventory reporting, email info@mpi.govt.nz.
A report on completed and on-going work that examines nitrous oxide emissions from the Waikato River and assesses the results in comparison to previous New Zealand emissions factors for indirect losses from rivers.
The purpose of this project is to review and revise current methods and assumptions in AIM for birth and slaughter dates for individual classes of sheep and beef cattle grown for finishing. The current analysis suggests that a few birth and slaughter variables and assumptions in AIM will need additional consideration.
Development of a software tool to automate the generation of the uncertainty calculation table reported in the national inventory for the agriculture sector of the greenhouse gas inventory.
Within the dairy sector, several databases exist that have recorded farms, animals, and milk production over time, as well as feed use both through time and seasonally. This report assesses the feasibility of combining these databases to provide monthly estimates of feeds (grown on farm and imported) eaten by dairy cows from 1990 to 2020 for different types of farm systems and regions of New Zealand.
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the potential number of livestock carried on lifestyle blocks and blocks of land not included in the sampling frame of the Agricultural Production Survey (APS) and to evaluate the potential impacts on these stocks on agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
The aim of this project is to provide a pathway that enables New Zealand to implement the 2013 WS
methodology for drained Organic Soils. The objectives were to:
1 review spatial data to inform the current and 1990 extent of Organic Soils, and review classification
approaches and their implications
2 review approaches to estimating current and 1990 activity data for Organic Soil areas, including
nutrient status, drainage depth, and land-use class
3 review IPCC emission factors and existing greenhouse gas measurement studies from Organic Soils
in New Zealand, and examine the ability to derive New Zealand / region-specific emission factors
based on these data
4 provide recommendations to implement the 2013 WS at a minimum level and make recommendations
for where future research should be prioritised to improve emission estimates for drained Organic
Soils in New Zealand on the basis of the highest sources of emissions and/or the highest sources of
This report identifies the legal, time and financial barriers to native afforestation, as well as identifying past and current opportunities and future recommendations to incentivise native afforestation.