About the MRL database
Find out how to use the database and read our disclaimer.
While all possible care has been taken with translating and interpreting market requirements, exporters should be aware that importing countries may change their requirements at any time, at short notice, or without giving notice to New Zealand.
The information in this database is provided strictly on the basis that the Crown, the Ministry for Primary Industries, its statutory officers, employees, agents and all other persons responsible for or associated with the compilation, writing, editing, approval or publication of the information:
- disclaim any and all responsibility for any inaccuracy, error, omission, lateness, or any other kind of inadequacy, deficiency or flaw in, or in relation to, the information, and
- without limiting (1) above, fully exclude any and all liability of any kind on the part of all of them, to any person or entity that chooses to rely on this information.
Compliance with the information provided in this database is not to be taken as a guarantee that any particular goods will be granted access to any overseas market. We recommend that exporters work with their importers to obtain the most up-to-date information.
Information on how to use this database
This database is intended as an informational service. It was developed specifically for exporters of New Zealand fruit, vegetable, and cereal commodities to our main export markets. As such, the number of commodities and markets that MRLs are included for in the database are limited.
It is the responsibility of exporters to comply with export market legal requirements. You should also check the relevant national legislation before exporting your products. MPI has a list of many countries’ MRL legislation and the organisations that oversee MRLs.
New Zealand MRLs are included in the database for ease of access, but the Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds remains the legal instrument regulating maximum residue levels in New Zealand. Codex MRLs are included in the database for ease of reference, as many export markets defer to Codex MRLs in the absence of national MRLs.
Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds [PDF, 759 KB]
Included commodities and their classification
Due to the limited number of commodities relevant to exports, entries for commodity groups may not be reflective of all commodities generally associated with that particular group. For example, yuzu is not a commodity covered in this database, so an entry for citrus cannot be assumed to apply to yuzu.
A complete list of all covered commodities and their classification is in this document: Commodity classification for the purpose of the MRL database [PDF, 142 KB]
This classification does not reflect how commodity classifications are applied within the New Zealand regulatory context.
Portion of commodities to which Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) apply and which is analysed
The portion of the commodity to be analysed is generally as per the currently applicable Codex guideline, unless otherwise stated in the notes.
Residue definitions
MRLs apply to the pesticide active ingredient, unless otherwise stated in the notes.
In the absence of an MRL
If an MRL is not listed for a particular country/pesticide/commodity combination, a default MRL may apply.
Applicable default limits in markets when no MRL is specified for a pesticide/commodity combination in the MRL database [PDF, 117 KB]
Additional information
If you would like to receive a spreadsheet of MRLs associated with a country, pesticide, or commodity or have any other questions relating to this database, please email plantexports@mpi.govt.nz