Biosecurity New Zealand (a unit of the Ministry for Primary Industries) today confirms a farm has tested positive for Mycoplasma bovis in the north Canterbury region.
It's the first time the disease has been found in this region and the affected property is a mixed sheep and beef farm near Cheviot.
As with all other Infected Properties, this farm is under movement controls restricting the movement of any risk goods, including animals, on or off the property.
The farm was identified through the tracing of animals from known infected farms. It is connected to other infected properties through animal movements.
Mycoplasma bovis response Incident Controller Catherine Duthie says the discovery of new infected properties is not because the disease is spreading off infected farms.
"All the infected farms we know about are in quarantine lock down and no movements of risk goods, including animals, are allowed off them.
"Rather, the new finds are the result of our tracing uncovering historical movements of animals and then confirming the infection through testing. These movements, in many cases, took place before we even knew Mycoplasma bovis was in the country."
There are a number of farms in the North and South Islands under quarantine while testing is underway and it is very possible that more infected farms will be found.