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Declaration to Livestock Transporter that NAIT animals are tagged and registered
Packhouse Application for Registration and Agreement – Avocados to Australia
Mycoplasma bovis submission form template
M. bovis consultation submission form
AP20(5) Premises country listing for China
Submission template: Proposed further amendments to fishing regulations in the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area
Consultation on the Southern Squid Trawl Fishery (SQU 6T) Operational Plan – Submission form
Certificate of Compliance Request Form ACVM 78 (July 2024)
Application for a craft movement permit Section 134 of the biosecurity act 1993
Apply to offset post-1989 forest land Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme – post-1989
Post-1989 release criteria notice Forestry in the Emissions Trading Scheme – post-1989
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Fund Contract template 2023
2023 North Island weather event: Expression of interest form
Record Blanks for food service and food retail (black and white)
Hot-smoking to control bugs colour card template
Hot-smoking to control bugs black and white card template