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NES-PF 5.7 – Mechanical land preparation (Regulations 72 - 75)
NES-PF 5.8 – Replanting (Regulations 77 - 81)
NES-PF workshop scenario 1 - Overview
NES-PF workshop scenario 2 - Harvesting
NES-PF workshop scenario 3 - Infrastructure
NESPF: Guidance general provisions
NESPF: Guidance slash traps
NESPF: Vegetation clearance – Indigenous
NESPF: Vegetation clearance – Non indigenous
New Zealand Bee Biosecurity Visual ID Guide
New Zealand Biosecurity Awards Entry Guide
New Zealand Government arrival booklet
One Billion Trees Fund Direct Grants – Milestones and Payments
One Billion Trees Fund Direct Grants – Planting and Management Plans
Operating manual for airport of first arrival - sample template
Operating plan for agricultural compounds used under the regulatory exemption for research, testing and teaching/training purposes