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MAPS TA user guide
Mitigation Standards review process (April 2023)
Modelling the impacts of the Draft Stock Exclusion Section 360 Regulations on river water quality
Monitoring data for Indonesia 2021-2022 (003)
MPI generic guidance on COVID-19 safety requirements for primary industry businesses at Alert Level 4
MPI Guidance: Country listing applications
MPI MAB Workforce Guidelines for Applicants
NABIS instructions
NES-CF: NES-PF user guide addendum on amendments since 3 November 2023
NES-PF and NES-F guidance
On-board cameras A guide for vessel owners and crew
On-board Cameras: A guide for vessel owners and crew
Ongoing obligations after ACVM inhibitor registration
OOAP Guidance – Voluntary suspension of operator registration under OER: RAP clause 2.3.3(3)a)iii)
Options when dairy products exported to China via the e-commerce bonded warehouse channel are rejected
Organic products and production: How the new system will be made into law