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Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022: Approval for introduction - Cabinet paper
2023 stock status table
2023 report on the status of New Zealand's fish stocks
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022: Approval for introduction - Departmental Disclosure Statement
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2022: Approval for introduction (LEG-22-MIN-0035) - Minute of decision
Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) – Cabinet minute (LEG-22-MIN-0036)
Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2022 – Cabinet paper
Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Act 2022 regulations proposals
FAR 2023/14 Stock assessment of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN3&4) for the 2021–22 fishing year
FAR 2023/13 Spatial-temporal standardisation of commercial longline and trawl survey catches of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4)
FAR 2023/12 Rapid updates for New Zealand rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) stocks in 2022
Evaluation of food safety risks associated with seaweed and seaweed products
Horses imported from Australia guidance leaflet
FAR 2023/11 The lobster stock dynamics (LSD) model
AEBR 305 Spatial-temporal distribution of inshore fish and cephalopod species of interest to selected top predators
Delivery of critical farm supplies to isolated communities