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Emissions Reduction Plan Agriculture Chapter: Progress Update – Minute (ENV-22-MIN-0054)
Report of the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee: Period Ended 25 November 2022 – Cabinet minute (CAB-22-MIN-0539)
Report back on the Centre for Climate Action on Agricultural Emissions, investigation into an Early Adopters Fund and investigation to reduce emissions on Pāmu farms – Cabinet paper
The Maori Commercial Aquaculture Settlement New Space Plan
Food safety in the home after flooding
FAR 2023/08 Fishery characterisation and Catch-Per-Unit-Effort indices for John dory in eastern JDO 2, to 2021/22
FAR 2023/07 Fishery characterisation and catch per unit effort for John dory in JDO 1 to 2020/21
Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH 53)
October to December 2022 – Humble to Hero progress report
2023 Auckland flood recovery
2023 Cyclone Hale flood recovery
September to November 2022: Future Ready Farms progress report
FAR 2023/06 Recreational harvest of southern bluefin tuna in New Zealand, 2021–22.
FAR 2023/05 Striped marlin catch and CPUE in the New Zealand sport fishery, 2019–20 to 2021–22.
FAR 2023/04 Designs for surveys of recreational pāua fisheries
FAR 2023/03 Fishery characterisation for blue cod (Parapercis colias) in BCO 7, to 2021/22