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Pan-fried Pāua with Kawakawa & Lemon recipe card
Pāua & Puha Fritters recipe card
The Eastern Tarakihi Management Strategy and Rebuild Plan – Progress Report Quarterly Report: 1 July 2022 – 30 September 2022
January to March 2022: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
April to June 2022: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
July to September 2022: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
July to September 2021: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
October to December 2021: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
Field testing of forestry and alternative container types for native tree species An analysis of seedling performance across 6 sites
Draft Risk management proposal: Egg products
Draft guidance document: Egg products
Draft Import Health Standard: Egg Products
AEBR 299 Historical reconstruction and characterisation of spatially explicit historical set net fishing effort data
FAR 2022/64 Descriptive analysis of ling (Genypterus blacodes) on the Chatham Rise (LIN 3&4) up to 2020–21 and inputs for the 2022 stock assessment
Good Farm Planning Principles: The Journey to Integrated Farm Planning 2022 Annual Progress Report
National Chemical Contaminants Programme - Milk and milk powder Radionuclide results (2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 & 2022/23)