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2022 MPI apiculture monitoring date
Early life application of methane inhibitor BOVAER 10 in dairy calves - Public summary of trial results
FAR 2022/62Estimates of bycatch and oyster discards from the Foveaux Strait oyster fishery (OYU 5) in February 2021 to fulfil requirements for IEMRS reporting
FAR 2022/61 Investigating methods to quantify bycatch and oyster discards from the Foveaux Strait oyster fishery (OYU 5) for IEMRS reporting: summaries of bycatch and oysters sampled from commercial fishery areas in February 2020
Case study: Ruakituri Rural Community Hub
AEBR 297 Characterisation of commercial fishing activity overlapping with South Island hoiho (Megadyptes antipodes) distribution
National recognition for WAI Wānaka
FAR 2022/59 Commercial catch sampling programme for highly migratory species in 2014–15, 2015–16, and 2016–17
FAR 2022/60 Commercial catch sampling programme for highly migratory species in 2017–18, 2018–19, and 2019–20
FAR 2022/58 Monitoring commercial eel fisheries: 2018–19 to 2020–21
Joint Food Standards Setting System with Australia: Proposals for Reform – Cabinet minute (DEV-21-MIN-0240)
Reform of our Joint Food Standards Setting System with Australia – Cabinet paper
Customs Export Prohibition (Green-lipped Mussel Spat) Order 2019 Proposed amendment – Cabinet minute (DEV-22-MIN-0124)
Customs Export Prohibition (Green-lipped Mussel Spat) Order 2022 – Cabinet paper
FAR 2022/57 Intertidal shellfish monitoring in the northern North Island region, 2021–22
CTO 2021 022 [G] Zoo: Tasmanian Devil DPIPWE Veterinarian