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One Billion Trees social licence and social barriers - Summary report
Incentives for landholders' afforestation activities
FAR 2022/52 Commercial catch sampling for species proportion, sex, length, and age of jack mackerels in JMA 7 in the 2019–20 fishing year, with a summary of all available data sets
The factors influencing farmers' decisions to plant trees
Principles of social licence - A guide for landholders
Native afforestation - public perceptions survey
AEBR 296 Factors affecting protected species captures in domestic surface longline fisheries
Issues, challenges, barriers and opportunities around afforestation: A literature scan
Establishing native and exotic tree crops in indigenous landscapes
Investigation into the microbial basis for screen-positive young veal N60 enrichment samples that do not confirm by culture
Puro quarterly progress report - October 2022
Puro quarterly progress report - July 2022
Fisheries (E-logbook Technical Specifications) Circular 2022
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: Next Steps on the Permanent Forest Category – Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0390.01)
Next steps on the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme’s permanent forest category – Cabinet paper
Consultation on a proposal to reopen the Kaikōura coastline to pāua, and other shellfish and seaweed fishing for the 2022-23 fishing year