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PP_CTO2022033 Equivalent measures for seeds for sowing in lingots imported into New Zealand from Australia
Feasibility assessment of simple farm level emission returns
27_CTOPlantsDir2020074 - Alternative measure for import of Vaccinium cuttings
PP_CTO2021032 CTO Equivalence Decision 20210612 CTO Decision Document – pre-export equivalence for permit for SST and PFR
PP_CTO2021047 Equivalence of measures for the trans-Tasman Fragaria pilot initiative.
PP_CTO2021066 CTO Equivalence Decision: Equivalence for the use of Nicotiana occidentalis as an indicator plant in the herbaceous indexing of Actinidia species at XXX
PP_CTO2021071 CTO Equivalence Decision - Equivalent measures for tomato and capsicum seeds for sowing exported from Australia
CTO 202220 CTO Equivalence Decision: Equivalent measures for Prunus leaf sampling during the summer-like conditions of PEQ
PP_CTO2022007 – Equivalent fungicide treatment requirements for multiple consignments of species eligible for import into New Zealand under the specific requirements for Coriandrum, Lavandula, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Glycine, Helianthus, Nicotiana tabacum, Myrtaceae, Phaseolus, Pisum and Zea mays in the import health standard 155.02.05: Seeds for Sowing
AEBR 295 Type 1 monitoring (rapid benthic health assessments) protocol for Marlborough Sounds salmon farms
AEBR 294 Best management practice guidelines for salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds
PP CT02022004 containing 50 Musa acuminata (syn. Musa sumatrana) tissue cultures of Thailand-origin, imported from Thailand.
FAR 2022/49 Squid statolith ageing feasibility study
Download the western drywood termite fact sheet
Afforestation Economic Modelling – Impact of carbon price on forest management
Impacts of climate change mitigation policies on the primary sector