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Portable sawmilling of locally grown alternative timber species
Potential afforestation options for the Tararua landscape - Scion, October 2020
Planting eroding hill country in Hawkes Bay region – Summary report
Planting eroding hill country in Hawkes Bay region – Technical report
Review of predictive models and data for the inactivation of pathogens during the production of ready-to-eat, dried, non-fermented, uncooked meat products
AEBR 288 A standardised approach for creating spatial grids for New Zealand marine environment and species data
Fisheries (Electronic Monitoring on Vessel) Amendment Regulations 2022 – Minute (LEG-22MIN-0095)
Fisheries (Electronic Monitoring on Vessel) Amendment Regulations 2022 – Cabinet paper
FAR 2022/43 Assessment of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) in 2021
New Zealand Validation of Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) Bacteriophage Research Programme
Validation of immunomagnetic beads for Top 7 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli confirmation testing
Literature review update: Top 7 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) detection, isolation and quantification methods for veal and adult beef trim samples
CTO 2017 048 [G] CTO direction as to equivalent measures in relation to cats and dogs imported under the IHS catdog.gen
CTO direction as to equivalent measures in relation to EVA vaccination requirements in stallions
CTO 2022 013 [1] CTO direction as to equivalent measures in relation to rabies requirements for 3 cats from a non-approved country
CTO 2022 029 [1] CTO direction as to equivalent measures in relation to an incorrect sample date on the RNATT report