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Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group - Meeting Agenda 9 December 2021
Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group - Meeting Agenda 12 May 2022
FAR 2022/21 A stock assessment of red gurnard in GUR 3 for 2022
Proposals on a page – Modernising our export assurance systems legislative options
Working with Māori to develop new export laws – Fact sheet
NRLMG – Agreed Minutes from 11 April 2022
For consultation RMP Risk Management Proposal: Arrival of Aircraft from All Countries
Water availability and security: national-scale assessment (2022 technical paper)
Results of the new recreational Kaikōura pāua survey 
Summary of Labelling Guidance Changes
Draft Guidance document – Labelling Veterinary Medicines
U200410, U200479, U200922, U201006, U201025 Aquaculture decision report – Five coastal permits in inner Pelorus Sound
Draft Operational Code: Vessel Biofouling Inspection Provider Approval Scheme
Risk Management Proposal for the Craft Risk Management Standard: Vessels
Draft Craft Risk Management Standard: Vessels
Surveillance Magazine, Vol 49, No 2 – June 2022