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CTOd 2024 010 B Schedule 7 Non-salmonid Fish Families
CTO 2024 008 [1] Dog semen Brucella canis test on remaining semen in USA
CTO 2024 007 [G] Composite products for human consumption: containing up to 20% aquatic animal product
CTO 2024 005 [B] Aquatic animal products: Certification for European Union origin product
CTO 2024 003 [G] Returned Aquatic Animal Products : Non-compliant product
CTO 2024 015 [G] Petfood: Third Country Pet Food from Australia
Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF 17)
Benefits from Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures funding: Expectations and methods
High pathogenicity avian influenza – information for farmers
Hawkes Bay Farming for Resilience Report – May 2024
2024 Avian Influenza in commercial poultry
2024 Avian influenza (bird flu) and domestic birds
GACC template for plant-based TCM products listing
January to March 2024 – Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
LULUCF Accounting Projections 2023
Consultation results: Proposed M. bovis National Pest Management Plan