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Tips for Keeping School Lunches Safe – Fact sheet
AEBR 260 Extent of bottom contact by commercial trawling and dredging in New Zealand waters, 1989–90 to 2018–19
FAR 2021/25 Catch-at-age data for southern bluefin tuna in the New Zealand long line fishery, 2015–2018 seasons
Great willowherb – Fact sheet
Evaluation of the Primary Growth Partnership W3 Wool Unleashed Programme – Final report
Proposals resulting from the 2019 livestock export review – Cabinet paper
Te Whaka ā Te Wera/ Paterson Inlet Mātaitai Reserve Fishing Bylaws and recreational fishing rules brochure
Provisional estimates of tree stocks sales and forest planting in 2023 report
AEBR 259 Extent of bottom contact by commercial fishing activity in New Zealand waters, for 1989–90 to 2017–18.
FAR 2021/24 Catch-at-age of snapper in SNA 7 in the 2019–20 fishing year
FAR 2021/23 An updated stock assessment for Foveaux Strait dredge oysters (Ostrea chilensis) for the 2017 fishing year
FAR 2021/22 Stock assessment of hake (Merluccius australis) on Chatham Rise for the 2019–20 fishing year
FAR 2021/21 Fishery characterisation and standardised CPUE for spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, in SPD 3, SPD 4, and SPD 5, 1989–90 to 2010–11
FAR 2021/20 Fish bycatch in New Zealand tuna longline fisheries 2015–16 to 2017–18
FAR 2021/19 New Zealand billfish and gamefish tagging, up to 2019–20
FAR 2021/18 Stock assessment for ling off the west coast South Island (LIN 7WC) to the 2018–19 fishing year