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Consumer-level Food Recalls Annual Report 2023
Consumer-level Food Recalls Annual Report 2022
2022 Animal Use by Institution Dataset
2022 Animal Use by Animal Dataset
Statistics on the Use of Animals in Research, Testing and Teaching in New Zealand in 2022
Food Safety Insights and Emerging Risks – 24 April 2024
'Unrealised Potential' SFF Futures programme quarterly report Year 1 Q4 – July to September 2023
'Unrealised Potential' SFF Futures programme quarterly report Year 2 Q1 – October to December 2023
FAR 2024/20 Investigating monitoring and assessment approaches for oreo species
1 December 2023 to 29 February 2024 - N-Vision progress report
Puro quarterly progress report – March 2024
FAR 2024/19 Data for the 2023 stock assessment of red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) in CRA 6
A review of the report: Pig improvements report review
A review of the report: Sheep and cattle birth and slaughter dates report review
Minutes of the 2023 Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory Advisory Panel Meeting
AEBR 329 Spatially explicit benthic impact assessments for bottom trawling in New Zealand