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2009 New Zealand Total Diet Study analytical results - Q4
2009 New Zealand Total Diet Study - Agreed outline and content
2009 New Zealand total diet study
First quarter analytical results for the 2016 New Zealand Total Diet Study
2016 NZ Total Diet Study (Appendices only) – report
2016 NZ Total Diet Study (without Appendices) – report
2016 NZ Total Diet Study (without Appendices) – report
Live animal and germplasm export statistics 2020
FAR 2020/43 Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stock assessment for the Campbell Island Rise for data up to 2018–19
FAR 2020/42 The 2019 stock assessment of rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) in CRA 3
Proposed amendments to the Animal Products Notice: Regulated Control Scheme - Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish for Human Consumption
Draft Regulated Control Scheme - Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish for Human Consumption
New Zealand Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan year 1 progress report
FAR 2020/41 Data for the 2019 stock assessment of red rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) in CRA 3
Surveillance Magazine, Vol 47, No 4 – December 2020
Food Act 2014 Recognised classes of persons