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Draft Animal Products Notice Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme
Fisheries Assessment Plenary November 2020 Stock Assessment and Stock Status: Introductory section to Yellowfin Tuna
Draft for consultation: Craft Risk Management Standard: Aircraft from All Countries
Risk management proposal: Amendments for CRMS Aircraft from All Countries
FAR 2020/40 SPO 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 fishery characterisation and CPUE report
New Zealand's Strategic Objectives for OIE 2019-2023
New Zealand's Strategic Objectives for IPPC 2019-2023
Clopyralid residues in potatoes, kumara and mushrooms
New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory Research Fund - Review report
Battle against myrtle rust: MPI’s diagnostic lab’s role in the response and beyond
New Zealand Nutrition and Health Claims Survey 2016/17
New Zealand Nutrition and Health Claims Baseline Survey 2014/15
AEBR 250 Assessment of impacts of mechanical spat harvesting on the surf clams of Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē
FAR 2020/39 Frameworks for the next generation of general stock assessment models: 2019 CAPAM workshop report
FAR 2020/38 Intertidal shellfish monitoring in the northern North Island region, 2019-20
FAR 2020/37 Fishery characterisation and standardised CPUE analyses for barracouta (Thyrsites atun), for BAR 4 and 7, 1989–90 to 2017–18