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Background on the New Zealand Front of Pack Labelling Advisory Group (FOPL)
New Zealand Front of pack labelling Advisory Group
Homekill for recreational catch service providers - the basics
Homekill for animal owners - The basics
Proposed temporary closure of Waimarama, Hawkes Bay, to the harvest of blackfoot pāua
FAR 2020/36 Recruitment of freshwater eels, 1995–2018.
FAR 2020/35 Investigation of potential CPUE model improvements for the primary index of Southern Bluefin Tuna abundance.
FAR 2020/34 Developing a stock assessment for New Zealand bluenose
FAR 2020/33 Bluenose fisheries around New Zealand
News and views, October 2020
top 5 food safety factors – bakeries bread products only
Top 5 food safety factors – Retail packaged chilled and frozen
top 5 food safety factors – confectionery
Draft Guidance to the APN: Export Verification Requirements (bee product processors requiring an RMP)
Draft APN: Export Verification Requirements
National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020 2018/19 report