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Chief executive expense disclosure report (MPI) from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
Eradicating Mycoplasma Bovis: Transition to the Surveillance Phase – Cabinet Economic Development Committee minute (DEV-20-MIN-0123)
Eradicating Mycoplasma Bovis: Transition to the Surveillance Phase – Cabinet paper
Proposed Overseas Travel: Hon Damien O'Connor – Cabinet paper
AEBR 243 Modelling marine habitat utilisation by yellow-eyed penguins along their mainland distribution: baseline information
AEBR 242 Estimated population size of the Westland petrel, 2007–2011
FAR 2020/18 Camera and creel survey monitoring of trends in recreational effort and harvest from 2004–05 to 2018–19
FAR 2020/17 Recommended release mortality estimation methods for species commonly caught by recreational fishers in New Zealand
FAR 2020/16 Comparison of recreational harvest estimates provided by the National Panel Survey and aerial-access survey in 2017–18
FAR 2020/15 Review of Amateur Fishing Charter Vessel reporting and characterisation
FAR 2020/14 Stock assessment of blue cod (Parapercis colias) in BCO 5 using data to 2019
Regulations: Parts of Animal Products and Wine Plans and Programm s Required for Registration – Cabinet paper
Regulations: Parts of Animal Products and Wine Plans and Programmes Required for Registration – Cabinet Legislation Committee Minute (LEG-20-MIN-0005)
Commodity Levy Orders – Cabinet Legislation Committee Minute (LEG-20-MIN-0083)
Commodity levy orders on passionfruit, summerfruit and herbage seeds under the Commodity Levies Act 1990 – Cabinet paper
17748 Temperature treatment protocol for deactivating oospores of Phytophthora agathidicida