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One Billion Trees: Current State of New Zealand Forestry Science - Technical paper
The Eastern Tarakihi Management Strategy and Rebuild Plan – Progress Report Quarterly Report: 1 October 2019 – 31 December 2019
Viability PCR for aquatic animal pathogens - Technical paper
Pectenotoxins in New Zealand bivalve molluscan shellfish, 2009-2019: risk assessment
Surveillance Magazine, Vol 47, No 1 – March 2020
See contain-Report-Newsletter-Mar20.pdf
Protecting information collected through electronic monitoring - Māori
Protecting information collected through electronic monitoring - indonesian translation
Manchurian wild rice - Fact sheet
Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries (SOPI) March 2020
Annual Review Report for Deepwater Fisheries - Abstract 2018/19
Caregivers’ beliefs about the risk of improper infant formula preparation and their understanding of infant formula preparation risks - Report
Animals affected by dry or drought conditions
Source Assigned Campylobacteriosis in New Zealand Study (SACNZS) - Report