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Farm level Emissions Trading Scheme participation – Cabinet paper
Hi ika - Customary fisheries magazine
Drawdown of Biosecurity Tagged Contingency Funding – Cabinet paper
Drawdown of Biosecurity Tagged Contingency Funding – Economic Development Select Committee minute (DEV-19-MIN-0275)
Report of the Cabinet Economic Development Committee: Period Ended 18 October 2019 – Cabinet minute (CAB-19-MIN-0540)
Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Damien O’Connor – Cabinet paper
Release of consultation documents: investing in border biosecurity and improving animal products and wine cost recovery – Cabinet paper
Investing in Border Biosecurity and Improving Animal Products and Wine Cost Recovery: Release of Consultation Documents – Economic Development Select Committee minute (DEV-19-MIN-0280)
Report of the Cabinet Economic Development Committee: Period Ended 25 October 2019 – Cabinet minute (CAB-19-MIN-0560)
Investing in Border Biosecurity and Improving Animal Products and Wine Cost Recovery: Release of Consultation Documents – Economic Development Select Committee minute (DEV-19-MIN-0280)
Report of the Cabinet Economic Development Committee: Period Ended 25 October 2019 – Cabinet minute (CAB-19-MIN-0560)
CTO 2019 0917 Seeds for consumption: hemp
CTO 2019 0911 Glycine max for sprouting
CTO 2019 0726 Deep burial of wet maize