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Commodity Levies (Harvested Wood Material) Order 2019 – Cabinet Legislation Committee minute (LEG-19-MIN-0142)
Commodity levy order on harvested wood material under the Commodity Levies Act 1990 – Cabinet paper
Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee: Period Ended 20 September 2019 – Cabinet minute (CAB-19-MIN-0488)
Risk Profile: Ciguatoxins in seafood - Technical Report
Where to go for farmer support
National Programme for the Monitoring and Surveillance of Chemical Residues and Contaminants in Milk – Plan for 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (CCFFV 22)
AEBR 235 Quantifying benthic biodiversity: using seafloor image data to build single-taxon and community distribution models for Chatham Rise, New Zealand
FAR 2019/68 Assessment of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) in 2019
FAR 2019/67 Age composition of orange roughy on the south-west Challenger Plateau (ORH 7A) and Westpac Bank in 2018
FAR 2019/66 Stock assessment of hake (Merluccius australis) on the west coast of South Island (HAK 7) for the 2018–19 fishing year
FAR 2019/65 New Zealand billfish and gamefish tagging, 2016–17 to 2018–19
FAR 2019/64 Inshore trawl survey of the west coast South Island and Tasman and Golden Bays, March-April 2019 (KAH1902)
Report of the Mycoplasma bovis technical advisory group (TAG) in response to the terms of reference (June 2019) - 18 October 2019
Walking Access Act 2008 Review Report to be tabled in House of Representatives – Cabinet paper
Walking Access Act 2008 Review Report – Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee minute (ENV-19-MIN-0046)