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Submission template – Landing exception Pacific bluefin tuna
Commercial landing exceptions: Policy context and legal overview
Commercial landing exception reviews: Operational guidelines
Review of sustainability measures for southern blue whiting for 2024/25 (SBW 6B) – summary
Risk Management Proposal: Aquatic Animal Products
Aquaculture environmental performance annual report 2023
Puro quarterly progress report – October 2023
CRA 7 & CRA 8 summary
New legal controls at Aotea Great Barrier Island and Ahuahu Great Mercury Island Flyer
Surveillance Magazine, Vol 50, No 4 – December 2023
July 2023 to September 2023 – Pasture Accelerator progress report
Vessel Biosecurity Quarterly – December 2023 – Issue 8
Hop plants for planting hazard identification for consultation
Fisheries Assessment Plenary November 2023 Stock Assessments and Stock Status Introductory Section to Yellowfin Tuna
Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries (SOPI) December 2023
FAR 2023/64 Stock survey of the Foveaux Strait oyster (Ostrea chilensis) fishery (OYU 5), population size structure, and Bonamia exitiosa prevalence, intensity, and disease mortality in February 2023