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Review of sustainability measures for the 2024 April round – Overview of legislative requirements and other considerations in relation to sustainability measures
Evaluation of Faecal Source Tracking (FST) Methods as an Indicator for Human Faecal Contamination in Shellfish Growing Areas
FAR 2023/63 Review and summary of the time series of input data available for the assessment of southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) stocks up to and including the 2022 season
AEBR 325 Novel technologies to mitigate the risk of dolphin capture in inshore trawl fisheries: field Implementation and data analysis
Draft Organic Production Rules – Export Requirement for Consultation
April 2023 to June 2023 – Smart and Sustainable progress report
July 2023 to September 2023 - Smart and Sustainable progress report
Informing New Zealand Beef (INZB) Quarterly Progress Report: July – September 2023
AEBR 324 Fishery-induced trophic cascades and sea urchin barrens in New Zealand: a review and discussion for management
Variability in eating quality of New Zealand fresh pork
Determining the variability in eating quality of New Zealand fresh pork
Boar taint indicators of selected pork samples from entire and immunocastrated Improvac males
Technical Amendments to Fisheries Regulations – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0189)
Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee – Minute (CAB-23-MIN-0418)
Technical amendments to fisheries regulations – Cabinet paper
CTO 2023 056 [B] Bovine semen and embryos: certificate negotiation with Switzerland