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M. bovis myths
Codex Committee on General Principals (CCGP 33)
FAR 2023/53 Stock assessment research in 2023 for silver warehou in SWA 3 and SWA 4
AEBR 322 Desktop update of estimation of seabird cryptic mortality in trawls, via warp and net captures in the New Zealand domestic fleet using standard mitigation
Sustainable Vineyard Floor Project – Final Report
AEBR 321 Updated fisheries risk assessment framework for seabirds in the Southern Hemisphere
Release of the Food and Beverage Industry Transformation Plan – Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0189)
Government response to the Ministerial Inquiry into Land Use in Tairāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa – Cabinet paper
Stop the freshwater gold clam - leaflet
FAR 2023/52 Recruitment of freshwater eels, 1995–2022
FAR 2023/51 Descriptive analysis of ling off the west coast South Island (LIN 7WC) up to 2021–22 and inputs for the 2023 stock assessment
Shape files for the proposed bottom fishing access zones
Trawl corridors supplementary information – Fishing, October 2023
Trawl corridors supplementary information – Biogenic, October 2023
FAR 2023/50 Towards an assessment of arrow squid in New Zealand waters
Fisheries (Alternative Methods of Disposal) Circular 2023