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Proposed Overseas Travel: Hon Damien O'Connor – Minute (CAB-22-MIN-0460)
Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Damien O’Connor (Paris) – Cabinet paper
Proposed Overseas Travel: Hon Damien O’Connor (Paris) – Cabinet paper
Emissions Reduction Plan: Resource management proposals to manage exotic afforestation – Minute (ENV-23-MIN-0019)
Emissions Reduction Plan: Resource management proposals to manage exotic afforestation – Cabinet paper
Overseer Redevelopment Programme Report
Vessel Biosecurity Quarterly – September 2023 – Issue 7
2023 October Deemed Value Rate extended for website
Report on the Year Three Review of the National Environmental Standards for Marine Aquaculture
It's time to unite against AMR – information pamphlet for vets
Imported Bovine Semen Testing Compensation Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) Eradication Programme fact sheet
What is in and out of scope for MPI Trade Certification
Aquaculture Biosecurity Programme: Release of Discussion Document Minute (DEV-23-MIN-0095)
Aquaculture Biosecurity Programme – Release of Discussion Document – Cabinet paper
Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0085)
Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Cabinet paper