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Rollout of On-board Cameras on Commercial Fishing Vessels: Updated Timeframes – Cabinet minute (CBC-23-MIN-0014)
Rollout of On-board Cameras on Commercial Fishing Vessels – Updated timeframes – Cabinet paper
Draft for consultation – Proposed Animal Products Notice: Production Supply and Processing
FAR 2023/47 2022–23 International Spatial Modelling Workshop Programme: NIWA Yellowfin tuna simulation study
Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction and Additional Amendments – Minute (LEG-23-MIN-0043)
Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction and additional amendments – Cabinet paper
FAR 2023/46 The 2023 stock assessment and management procedure evaluation for pāua (Haliotis iris) fisheries in PAU 5D
Minute of decision (LEG-23-MIN-0071)
Fisheries (Cost Recovery) Amendment Rules 2023 - Cabinet paper
October to December 2022: Leaf Protein Research and Development Programme progress report
Annual report concerning Foodborne Diseases in New Zealand 2022
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Annual report summary 21/22
National plan of action – Seabirds 2020: Seabird annual report 2021/22
Germination of native species seed after cold treatment, surface sterilisation and soaking in 1% hydrogen peroxide
July 2023 – Sauvigon Blanc 2.0 progress report
FAR 2023/45 Acoustic Biomass Surveys of Orange Roughy in ORH 3B North Chatham Rise, June/July, 2021