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Slaughterhouse post mortem examination of deer for tuberculosis
Rural Users Digital Connectivity Experiences (March 2023)
Chief executive expense disclosure report (MPI) from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
Chief executive expense disclosure report (MPI) from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
Independent Review Report – Foot and mouth disease preparedness
PGIC Board Meeting – 3 July 2023 
Codex Committee on Pest Residues (CCPR 54)
Small Hive Beetle Surveillance Project Project Report 2023
Native Nursery Survey 2022 Main Report
AEBR 317 Candidate species selection for the development of environmental health measures for open ocean salmon aquaculture
AEBR 318 Comparing results of black petrel capture interactions with bottom longlines using different data collection methods
See, Contain, Report July 2023
Exotic Caulerpa Suction Dredge Technical Advisory Group Report
October to December 2022 – Precision Silviculture progress report
January to March 2023 – Precision Silviculture progress report
Biosecurity Cargo Cost Recovery Settings: Proposed Revisions – Minute (DEV-23-0042)