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Summary of Plant Germplasm Import Council Meeting 13 March 2023
Support with livestock fact sheet
2023 Your guide to the new rules for inhibitors pamphlet
FAR 2023/23 Catch-at-age data for southern bluefin tuna in the New Zealand longline fishery, 2019–2021
New Zealand microbiological risk ranking of imported fruit and vegetables
One page summary Fisheries ITP
FAR 2023/22 Catch-at-age for barracouta (Thrysites atun) in BAR 4 and BAR 5 and gemfish (Rexea solandri) in SKI 3 and SKI 7 for the 2019–20 and 2020–21 fishing years
New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme Forestry Allocation and Surrender Forecasts – March 2023 Baseline Budget Update
2022 LULUCF Accounting Projections
FAR 2023/21 Relative abundance, size and age structure, and stock status of blue cod (Parapercis colias) off north Otago in 2022
AEBR 309 Land-based effects on coastal fisheries and kaimoana and their habitats – a review.
Issue 24 – March 2023
Dairy cattle population model Improving estimates of within-year population changes used in the inventory
Inclusion of supplementary feed in the Agricultural Inventory Model For dairy, sheep and beef
Temporal and spatial trends in livestock on slopes across New Zealand
Mortality rates in young calves in the 2020 and 2021 spring calving seasons