Stats NZ tools
Historic data is kept on Stats NZ's website, including free web tools that allow you to examine data sets in different ways:
MPI partners with Stats NZ and works with other industry organisations to collect and report agricultural and horticultural statistics. Browse available statistics by industry.
Historic data is kept on Stats NZ's website, including free web tools that allow you to examine data sets in different ways:
The Agricultural Production Statistics programme is fully-funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and administered by Stats NZ. It provides information about:
The programme supports a range of tier 1 statistics – essential statistics to understand how well New Zealand is performing and to inform critical decisions.
It involves a full census of all farmers and foresters every 5 years, with sample surveys in intervening years. The last census was in 2022.
Provisional results are released by Stats NZ in mid-December each year and the final results are released in mid-May the following year.
Agriculural Production Statistics surveys and censuses – Stats NZ
Monthly livestock slaughter statistics for sheep, cattle, goats, horses and pigs at a national level.
Data is updated on the 25th of every month or the next working day. There is a 1-month lag between the data being processed and when it is published online, and the statistics are provisional for 3 months.
As of 1 August 2016, cattle slaughter numbers and weights are disaggregated according to whether they come from dairy farms or beef farms. This results from the change in the TB levy system.
No horses have been slaughtered for human consumption since October 2016.
Download spreadsheets with annual statistics for the export of germplasm and live animals from 2011 to 2024.
An infographic showing exports of live animals in 2016 [PDF, 411 KB]
United Fresh New Zealand Inc. produces an annual publication with facts and statistics about horticultural production and exports.
The MPI farm monitoring programme provides data and reports on farm-level production, expenditure, and profit trends of individual primary industry sectors.
Data and information on the annual production and financial performance of sheep and beef cattle farms, and dairy farms are reported by our industry partners.
If you have questions about the data on this page, email
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