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AEBR 160 Changes to the food-web of the Hauraki Gulf during the period of human occupation: a mass-balance model approach
AEBR 159 Nitrogen Levels and Adverse Marine Ecological Effects from Aquaculture
AEBR 158 Fish and invertebrate bycatch in New Zealand deepwater fisheries from 1990–91 until 2012–13
AEBR 157 Qualitative (Level 1) Risk Assessment of the impact of commercial fishing on New Zealand Chondrichthyans
AEBR 156 Geographic distribution of commercial catches of cartilaginous fishes in New Zealand waters, 2008−13
AEBR 155 Developing spatial management options for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific Ocean region
AEBR 154 Comparison of bycatch estimation for fish species using a ratio estimator and model-based method
AEBR 153 Ross Sea and Balleny Islands biodiversity: routine observations and opportunistic sampling of biota made during a geophysical survey to the Ross Sea in 2006
AEBR 152 Fisheries risks to the population viability of Gibson’s wandering albatross Diomedea gibsoni
AEBR 151 Reporting on the state of the New Zealand marine environment: recommendations for ocean indicators as part of the Atmospheric and Ocean Climate Change Tier 1 Statistic
AEBR 150 Habitats of particular significance for fisheries management: identification of threats and stressors to rig nursery areas
AEBR 149 Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems of the Louisville Seamount Chain: voyage report of a survey to evaluate the efficacy of preliminary habitat suitability models
AEBR 148 Mitigation options for shark bycatch in longline fisheries
AEBR 147 Development of a Tier 1 National Reporting Statistic for New Zealand’s Marine Biodiversity
AEBR 146 Factors affecting the distribution of highly migratory species in New Zealand waters
AEBR 145 Reported New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) captures in commercial trawl fisheries, 1991–92 to 2012–13