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AEBR 236 Abundance and distribution of Hector’s dolphin on South Coast South Island
AEBR 235 Quantifying benthic biodiversity: using seafloor image data to build single-taxon and community distribution models for Chatham Rise, New Zealand
AEBR 234 Preparation of data for protected species capture estimation, updated to 2017–18
AEBR 233 Preparation of data for protected species capture estimation, updated to 2016–17
AEBR 232 Coralline algae of New Zealand: a summary of recent research and the current state of knowledge
AEBR 231 Population studies of southern Buller’s albatrosses on The Snares
AEBR 230 Best management practice guidelines for salmon farms in the Marlborough sounds
AEBR 229 Extent of bottom contact by New Zealand commercial trawl fishing for deepwater Tier 1 and Tier 2 target species determined using CatchMapper software, fishing years 2008–17
AEBR 228 Data collection of demographic, distributional and trophic information on selected seabird species to allow estimation of effects of fishing on population viability: Synthesis of population and demographic work
AEBR 227 Biodiversity of Benthic Protection Areas and Seamount Closure Areas: a description of available benthic invertebrate data, and a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of BPAs for biodiversity protection
AEBR 226: Estimated capture of seabirds in New Zealand trawl and longline fisheries, to 2016–17
AEBR 225: Simulating sea lion dives to assess the probability of post-exit drowning for sea lions exiting SLEDs
AEBR 224 - Spatial assessment of fisheries risk for New Zealand sea lions at the Auckland Islands
AEBR 223 - The population effects of New Zealand sea lion mortality scenarios relating to the southern arrow squid fishery at the Auckland Islands
AEBR 222 -Desktop estimation of New Zealand sea lion cryptic mortality in trawls using SLEDs
AEBR 221 – Quantifying benthic diversity: developing a dataset of benthic invertebrate faunal distributions from seabed photographic surveys of Chatham Rise.