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Understanding the Variability in Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors from Agriculture
Review of Livestock Walking Distances and Implications for the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Refining New Zealand’s GHG Inventory Methodology: Manure Management
Meta-analysis of Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors for Excreta Deposited onto Pasture
Feed Consumed by NZ Dairy Cows
Projections of agricultural activity and land-use under different policies that may affect greenhouse gas emissions or sinks
Atmospheric Methane Modelling Evaluating Regional Methane Emission Using Inverse Modelling
Revised Pasture Quality Analysis in the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Metabolisable energy and crude protein concentrations in grazed pastures in New Zealand
Determination of the N20 emission factor for animal dung applied in late autumn in three regions of New Zealand
Incorporation of the nitrification inhibitor DCD into New Zealand's 2009 National Inventory
Better estimation of national ewe and beef cow liveweights
Estimating nitrous oxide emissions from cropping systems, and stubble and tussock burning
Analysis of supplemental feed use in the new zealand sheep industry
Feed use in the NZ dairy industry
New Zealand dairy pasture quality