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Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural pasture treated with nitrification inhibitors
Effectiveness at a farmer level of the use of nitrification inhibitors and charges on nitrogen fertilisers
Desktop study of emission factors for urease inhibitors for nitrogen fertiliser
Capturing mitigation technology effects in national agricultural greenhouse gas emission inventories
Enhancing confidence in extrapolating emission measurements
Review of population models within the national methane inventory (2010)
A review of dressing out percentage in New Zealand livestock
Emission estimations for the commercial chicken, turkey, duck and layer industries within New Zealand
Pork Industry emissions inventory for New Zealand
Methane emissions and nitrogen excretion rates for New Zealand goats
Emission estimations for the commercial chicken, non-chicken and layer industries within New Zealand
Plot-based, growth performance of space-planted manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) on marginal land, and vulnerability to erosion
Material flows and end-uses of harvested wood products produced from New Zealand log exports
Predicting harvesting and deforestation of radiata pine forest blocks using national spatial datasets
Intentions of forest owners following harvest of post – 1989 forests