For individuals
Mā te takitahi
To take your cat or dog to Australia there are requirements to meet. We've created a step-by-step process so you can see what's involved. Other types of pets follow a different process.
Before you start, read this overview.
This process covers exporting only cats and dogs to Australia. For all other pets going to Australia or elsewhere, follow a different process.
Our step-by-step guide to exporting other pets
To export your cat or dog to Australia successfully, you must:
If you're planning to later bring your pet back to New Zealand, make sure you check the requirements for bringing pets into New Zealand before you leave.
MPI recommends you use a registered pet exporter to help arrange tests, treatments, flights, crates and other requirements. Most airlines will only deal with a pet exporter as this adds assurance that all requirements will be completed at the appropriate time before departure. Fees and charges apply.
Find a registered pet exporter
New Zealand has an agreement with Australia that makes it easier to export your cat or dog. Unlike most other countries, you don't need an Animal Welfare Export Certificate.
Before sending your cat or dog to Australia, contact an MPI listed veterinary practice. They're authorised to certify your pet is fit and healthy for travel. They sign the export certificate, and can advise if your pets circumstance means that an official assurance is required (refer to Step 2 – what you need to do).
Find your nearest MPI listed veterinary practice
Note that MPI listed vets:
The tasks you need to complete.
Export requirements are detailed in legal documents called OMAR’s (Overseas Market Access Requirements). The OMAR for taking cats and dogs to Australia explains all the requirements that must be met prior to export, including:
The OMAR for cats and dogs to Australia. [PDF, 484 KB]
Early preparation is recommended. Your pet may require tests or treatments to be done weeks before it leaves. Your vet might also have to order in some infrequently used treatments.
You'll either need:
A vet at an MPI listed veterinary practice can help determine what certificate you need. If your cat or dog does not meet all the criteria for AUPET9, you'll need to get an official assurance certificate.
Sample certificates are in the OMAR.
The circumstances that require an official assurance include:
Your vet and MPI official vets will complete the necessary documentation.
AUPETOA9 official assurance certificate [DOCX, 166 KB]
Veterinary treatment certificate to support the AUPETOA9 [DOCX, 248 KB]
Dogs and Cats to Australia – Official Assurance – OMAR [PDF, 513 KB]
While MPI doesn't require you to use a pet exporter, most airlines will only deal with pet exporters. MPI recommends you use a registered pet exporter – they know the exporting system and can help make the process a lot smoother for both you and your pet.
Find a registered pet exporter
Note that pet exporters will be able to give an idea of the total cost of exporting your pet. MPI can only provide you with information about the fees we charge.
Check MPI fees and charges for exporting cats and dogs to Australia
If you're exporting commercially, you must register with MPI as an exporter or use the services of a registered exporter. Exporter registration can be done online, or by completing a printed form.
Find out how to register as an exporter
If you have questions about registering as an exporter, email
Your pet will need to travel in an approved crate and have other provisions to comply with International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements – unless it's travelling on a personal boat or yacht. Your pet exporter can arrange this for you. It's a good idea to get your crate early and get your pet used to being in and around it.
Check standards for pet travel – IATA website
If someone is exporting your cat or dog to Australia on your behalf (for example, a registered pet exporter or a representative), you need to complete an owner statutory declaration. An owner statutory declaration has to be witnessed by an authorised person like a Justice of the Peace (JP) or a lawyer. MPI listed veterinary practices require the original owner statutory declaration form so that the nominated person presenting the cat or dog to them can sign all the necessary documents on your behalf. Note, you don't need a declaration form if you're presenting your own cat and dog for export certification.
Download the owner statutory declaration form [PDF, 209 KB]
The types of people who are authorised to witness statutory declarations are listed in the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 (section 9 for declarations made in New Zealand and section 11 for Australia). In New Zealand, the list includes lawyers, JPs, some court registrars and police officers, and members of Parliament.
Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 – NZ Legislation
Find a JP – Royal Federation of NZ Justices’ Association
Police officers authorised to take statutory declarations – NZ Gazette
All assistance dogs which are returning to New Zealand within 30 days of export to Australia must be certified by an MPI official veterinarian using AUPETOA9.
All cats and dogs that have been imported into New Zealand need to stay here at least 180 days before they can travel to Australia.
All dogs imported into New Zealand require testing for Leishmania infantum prior to entry to Australia.
We strongly recommend that all dogs being imported into New Zealand and which are being exported to Australia at a later date, are tested for the disease before they come to New Zealand. However, pre-entry tests cannot be used for certification requirements of dogs to Australia. Your dog will have to be tested again before it is sent to Australia. That test must be done after your dog has been living in New Zealand for at least 21 days.
Note that Leishmania infantum is an unwanted, notifiable organism in New Zealand. If your dog tests positive for the disease in New Zealand:
Getting your export documentation.
You're officially ready to export your cat or dog to Australia when you have an MPI export certificate.
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