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Aquaculture Biosecurity Programme – Release of Discussion Document – Cabinet paper
Fisheries (International Fishing and Other Matters) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction – Cabinet paper
Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Regulations 2023: Making regulations for continuing professional development for forestry advisers and minor and technical updates – Cabinet paper
Changes to Cargo Biosecurity Cost Recovery Settings – Cabinet paper
Approval for submission of a biosecurity levy order to Executive Council for the arable sector – Cabinet paper
Release of Discussion Document: Regulations for the Biosecurity (Information for Incoming Passengers) Amendment Act 2022 – Cabinet paper
Extending funding for primary industries following cyclone Gabrielle – Cabinet paper
Resource Management Act 1991: Freshwater farm plan regulations – Cabinet paper
Rollout of On-board Cameras on Commercial Fishing Vessels – Updated timeframes – Cabinet paper
Regulatory Systems (Primary Industries) Amendment Bill: Approval for Introduction and additional amendments – Cabinet paper
Fisheries (Cost Recovery) Amendment Rules 2023 - Cabinet paper
Proposed updates to cost recovery settings for animal products – Cabinet paper
Organic Products and Production Bill: Process Regulations and Consultation on the National Organic Standard - Cabinet paper
Agreement to Revised Biosecurity Cargo Cost Recovery Settings – Cabinet paper
Stock exclusion regulations – releasing a discussion document on developing an exception from the map of low slope land, for lower intensity farming – Cabinet paper
Approval to Consult on Proposed Changes to Cargo Biosecurity Cost Recovery Rates – Cabinet paper