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Details of conferences and events run by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).
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APEC workshop 2021: Services and the food system
The second of 2 webinars held on 13 March 2023. The first was held on 6 March.
This was the second of 2 webinars organised by the Food and Grocery Council with support from New Zealand Food Safety – Haumaru Kai Aotearoa.
The webinars were designed to help leaders through the immediate and longer-term significant impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle. They were recorded for later viewing.
Jacqui Maguire, a registered clinical psychologist, shared practical tools and resources to help leaders look after themselves, their whānau, their workplace teams, and communities in response to Cyclone Gabrielle, and during any civil defence emergency.
During the aftermath of a disaster, it can be difficult to prioritise taking care of your wellbeing – getting rest, nutrition to fuel you, feeling moments of normalcy and accessing support can be tough during the best of times. It can also feel like pressure knowing that you need to support yourself to ensure you can lead your staff well during this national emergency, and beyond through the recovery.
In this session, Jacqui covered:
Part 1 of 2 webinars held on 6 March 2023. The second was held on 13 March.
This was the first of 2 webinars organised by the Food and Grocery Council with support from New Zealand Food Safety - Haumaru Kai Aotearoa.
The webinars were designed to help leaders through the immediate and longer-term significant impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle. They were recorded and will be available for later viewing.
Jacqui Maguire, a registered clinical psychologist, shared practical tools and resources to help leaders look after themselves, their whānau, their workplace teams, and communities in response to Cyclone Gabrielle, and during any civil defence emergency.
During the aftermath of a disaster, it can be difficult to prioritise taking care of your wellbeing – getting rest, nutrition to fuel you, feeling moments of normalcy and accessing support can be tough during the best of times. It can also feel like pressure knowing that you need to support yourself to ensure you can lead your staff well during this national emergency, and beyond through the recovery.
In this session, Jacqui covered:
Online workshops held in May and June 2022 to help animal product businesses with the transition to new animal product regulations and notices.
Workshops were held for:
A workshop giving a general overview of regulatory redesign was also held. Some of the workshop sessions are available to watch on video.
Animal product regulations and notices – Workshop video recordings and presentation slides
Changes to animal products regulations and notices
Redesign of animals products and wine regulations and notices
Webinars for primary products exporters who want a better understanding of MPI's export requirements.
The webinar topics were:
Videos of the webinar video recordings, presentations, and transcripts are available on the Exporting webinars page.
The New Zealand Food Safety Lecture Series 2019 featured experts speaking on food safety issues.
The lecture series topics were:
Videos of the lectures, speaker presentations, transcripts, and speaker bios are available on the New Zealand Food Safety Lecture Series page
The 100 Years of Forestry event in 2019 celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the New Zealand State Forest Service.
The event included a dinner and presentation of awards for forestry science, lifetime achievement, and commitment to the protection of forests, forest ecosystems, and the connection of forests to people.
More information, including the details of the award winners and a downloadable history of forestry in New Zealand, is available on the 100 Years of Forestry page
The Biosecurity Innovation Exchange was designed to be a catalyst for collaboration between Australia and New Zealand.
It brought together national agencies, research organisations, universities, and industry to discuss transformative ideas to meet the future challenges for biosecurity.
The 2019 event’s talks covered:
More information, including the videos and slideshows, is available on the Biosecurity Innovation Exchange page
The 6th International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality was held in Beijing from 3 to 5 May 2019.
This symposium provided a platform for dairy experts from around the world to meet and collaborate on the advances in science and technology that affect dairy cow nutrition and milk quality. 2019 was the sixth year that the symposium was held. The 2 main focuses were:
MPI was a co-organiser of the conference. Other New Zealand co-organisers were:
Overseas co-organisers include the Dairy Association of China and the American Dairy Science Association. The main organiser was the Institute of Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Find out more
Symposium on protecting Taranaki land for future generations of mokopuna.
The Taranaki Land Diversification Opportunities Symposium was held in Hawera on 27 August 2019. It was hosted by the Ministry for Primary Industries in partnership with Te Puni Kōkiri.
The symposium was open to all whanau, hapū, iwi, and anyone else interested in developing their whenua. Attendees heard about the journeys some Taranaki landowners have already undertaken. There were also presentations on the opportunities, advice, and funding available to help protect the land for future generations of mokopuna.
MPI also often sponsors conferences and events organised by other groups and agencies.
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