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Current alerts and notifications
Completion of the Anthelmintic Ruminal Bolus Reassessment and Removal of the Prohibition on Sale and Use
- Completion of the Anthelmintic Ruminal Bolus Reassessment and Removal of the Prohibition on Sale and Use [PDF, 139 KB]
APVMA Joint Position Statement on Harmonisation of Veterinary Medicines Labels
Post-Vaccinal Distemper in Puppies and Vanguard Plus 5
- Post-Vaccinal Distemper in Puppies and Vanguard Plus 5 (Updated 13 June 2024) [PDF, 158 KB]
- Post-Vaccinal Distemper in Puppies and Vanguard Plus 5 (Updated 16 May 2024) [PDF, 150 KB]
- Post-Vaccinal Distemper in Puppies and Vanguard Plus 5 [PDF, 153 KB]
Supply Issue: Phenobarbitone for Veterinary Patients
- Update on the Phenobarbitone Supply Issue for Veterinary Patients [PDF, 138 KB]
- Supply Issue: Phenobarbitone for Veterinary Patients [PDF, 137 KB]
Industrial Hemp as Agricultural Compounds and FAQs
Past alerts and notifications
Anthelmintic Ruminal Bolus Reassessment and Prohibition on Sale and Use
FAQs Pencillin Reassessment
- FAQs Pencillin Reassessment [PDF, 175 KB]
Changes to Penicillin-Based Veterinary Medicines Post-Reassessment
Penicillin Product Label Transitioning after Reassessment
- ACVM Alert Notification 23-001 Penicillin Product Label Transitioning after Reassessment [PDF, 184 KB]
Milk withholding periods for abamectin-only pour-on products are changing and FAQs
Industrial Hemp as Agricultural Compounds
Hemp and hemp-based products used as agricultural compounds: Animal feeds and animal treatment products
Application for approval of use of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus Disease RHDV1-K5
Active substances from Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, China
- ACVM Alert Notification16-002 Active Substance Identity [PDF, 174 KB]
Ergot poisoning – Southland and southern Otago 2017
- ACVM Alert Notification17-001 Ergot poisoning [PDF, 441 KB]
Tianjin (China) explosion and contamination risks to raw materials
- ACVM Alert Notification16-001 Active Ingredient Sourcing [PDF, 175 KB]