When you are using agricultural chemicals, we recommend that you
- follow label instructions carefully
- store or dispose of the product safely.
Guidance on the use of acephate and methamidophos insecticides on vegetable crops – poster [PDF, 1.6 MB]
Human health and environmental concerns are handled by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
Research, testing, and teaching organisations (RTTOs) using agricultural chemicals
If your organisation regularly carries out research, testing, or teaching with agricultural chemicals, you can ask MPI for approval of your operating plan, instead of having to get authorisations for every ACVM product you use.
You may require an approved operating plan to meet product registration conditions. If you need an approved operating plan, use the following template and application form.
- Guideline for operating plans for using agricultural chemicals for research, testing or teaching [PDF, 157 KB]
- Template for operating plan for research, testing, and teaching organisations [DOC, 678 KB]
- Application: operating plan for using agricultural chemicals for research, testing or teaching - Form ACVM 26A [DOCX, 277 KB]
Own use of agricultural chemicals
You may treat your own plants using generic chemicals that aren't marketed as agricultural chemicals. But you must make sure that chemical residues don't accumulate in produce you sell for human consumption.
If you are doing research to get data for product registration, you must get provisional registration or research approval (a type of special circumstances authorisation).
- Provisionally register an agricultural chemical
- Authorisation of an agricultural chemical in special circumstances
If something goes wrong with an agricultural chemical
If something goes wrong or you have an unexpected outcome (including a lack of efficacy) after using a registered agricultural chemical, let us know.