Checklists, planning guides, and fact sheets
We recommend you download copies of the checklists and include them as part of an emergency kit.
Find out about preparing animals for emergencies and what should be in your kits
Checklists for different types of pets or animals
Including pets, livestock, horses, assistance dogs, and lifestyle block animals.
Planning for pets [PDF, 279 KB]
Planning for livestock and horses [PDF, 312 KB]
Planning for an assistance or guide dog [PDF, 191 KB]
Planning for lifestyle block animals [PDF, 331 KB]
Checklists for different types of emergencies
Including fire, earthquake, floods, snow, and drought.
Animals affected by fire [PDF, 157 KB]
Animals affected by earthquakes [PDF, 172 KB]
Animals affected by flood [PDF, 170 KB]
Animals affected by a snowstorm [PDF, 171 KB]
Animals affected by a heat wave [PDF, 170 KB]
Animals affected by a volcanic eruption [PDF, 178 KB]
Animals affected by dry or drought conditions [PDF, 302 KB]
Emergency preparation guides and template
These guides cover horses, pets, livestock, and lifestyle blocks.
Lifestyle block emergency preparedness handbook [PDF, 4.1 MB]
Lifestyle block emergency plan template [PDF, 6.2 MB]
Animals in emergencies – Lifestyle blocks [PDF, 508 KB]
Animals in emergencies – Horses [PDF, 449 KB]
Animals in emergencies – Pets [PDF, 537 KB]
Animals in emergencies – Livestock [PDF, 640 KB]
You can also order free emergency plans online and have them sent to you.
Other reources
Including other websites, a card for your wallet or purse, and a fact sheet.
My animals are home alone – a card to put in your wallet, purse, or on your fridge [PDF, 156 KB]
Managing your lifestyle or small block over winter – Fact sheet [PDF, 2.9 MB]
Prepare your lifestyle or small block for a hot, dry summer – Fact sheet [PDF, 2.4 MB]
Plan for your pets and other animals – Get Ready
Companion animals in emergencies – Companion Animals NZ