What we are looking for
We need to keep an eye out for any pests and diseases that can put our bees at risk.
Signs of non-native pests or diseases include:
- mites such as tracheal mite and Asian mite
- European foulbrood
- small hive beetle
- undesirable bee species
- unusual or unexplained symptoms, behaviour, or mortalities.
Atlas of Biosecurity Surveillance: National Apiculture Surveillance Programme
Apiary inspections
More than 300 apiaries are investigated every year. These are selected from about 20 high-risk sites across New Zealand.
In each of these apiaries, authorised persons inspect each hive, lay and check mite traps, and send a sample of adult bees to the lab for testing. A further 300 bee samples a year are taken from beekeepers who supply export markets. These are tested for external and internal mites.
Education and reporting
Beekeepers are educated on pests and diseases through The New Zealand Beekeeper magazine. In addition, all beekeepers are encouraged to report suspect cases to MPI using the pest and disease hotline. In 2014, 8 beekeeper reports triggered formal investigations. No new pests or diseases were found.
Keeping track
MPI partners with AsureQuality to maintain a register of all New Zealand apiaries. This records important statistics that assist in our biosecurity planning and preparedness.