Farmer tip on keeping records
Keep a log book with details of all conversations with programme staff including names, dates, and times. This will give you a clear record and timeline of all the information you’ve been given and provided. It could help with any future discussions about your situation.
Joint health and safety responsibilities
We need to make sure that:
- programme staff visiting your farm can carry out their work safely
- the health and safety of you and your workers isn’t put at risk by programme activities.
Your assigned farm systems manager will talk to you, or someone you nominate, about managing health and safety while programme activities are being carried out on your farm.
Our responsibilities
We’ll make sure we build health and safety considerations into the plan for your property. This includes ensuring our workers:
- understand their responsibilities to work in a safe manner to protect themselves and other people nearby
- bring and use any protective clothing and equipment they need
- co-operate with any reasonable rules, requests, and expectations you have
- consult with you or your staff on health and safety matters.
Your responsibilities
To help provide a safe environment for our workers, let us know about:
- your rules around safe behaviour. For example, speed limits on the farm, (you will be asked to show us your farm health and safety plan and hazard maps)
- any particular safety hazards. These might include aggressive animals, offal pits, effluent ponds, hazardous substances (either stored or being used on your farm) and places where children play or go
- the tracks and structures, such as sheds and yards, that are safe for us to use
- any planned activities near our workers that could put them in danger. If possible co-ordinate your work with ours, so that your workers and ours are kept safe
- any unique emergency procedures on your farm.
Keeping up to date
If anything changes after the initial health and safety discussion, contact your farm systems manager or tell the people working on the day.
We will also update you on any changes to our planned activities that could affect the health and safety of people on your farm.
Who to contact
If you have questions about Mycoplasma bovis:
- freephone MPI on 0800 00 83 33
- email