The Minister for Primary Industries has released his decision with regards to the application for Talleys Group Ltd to hold quota for southern bluefin tuna in excess of the aggregation limit specified in section 59 of the Fisheries Act 1996. The Minister has approved the request by Talleys Group Ltd to hold up to 36.2% of quota for southern bluefin tuna.
On 27 May 2013, Talleys Group Ltd applied for an exemption from the quota aggregation limits to hold quota shares equivalent to a total of 36.2% of the Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) for southern bluefin tuna (STN).
STN is administered as a single stock and has an aggregation limit of 35%, as specified in section 59 of the Fisheries Act 1996, of 35%. Further detail is provided in the stakeholder consultation letter below.
Letter to stakeholders [PDF, 1.1 MB]