Update – 18 February 2025
Following this consultation, we've published the guidance for the identification of habitat of particular significance for fisheries management and taking into account that they should be protected.
Background to this consultation
Fisheries New Zealand is progressing towards ecosystem-based management – an integrated approach to managing competing values and uses of marine resources, while maintaining the ecosystems that support them. This progress is supported by a number of initiatives delivered under the oceans and fisheries work programme and 'Te Mana o te Taiao – Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy'.
One of these initiatives is guidelines for identifying a habitat of particular significance for fisheries management. The guidelines are to inform habitat identification and provide greater transparency on our fisheries management advice.
We sought your feedback about the draft proposed guidelines.
The draft guidelines were to:
- provide an overview of the environmental principle of section 9c of the Fisheries Act 1996
- provide a working definition for habitats of significance
- note that we will work with tāngata whenua on how habitats of significance of taonga species could be identified
- identify information that will be used to identify habitats of significance
- outline a process for identifying habitats of significance
- outline a process for identifying potential for adverse effects on habitats of significance
- propose how habitats of significance will be formally documented and notified
- outline processes to prioritise and support ongoing information gathering and habitats of significance identification
- identify research underway that will support future habitats of significance identification.
The draft operational proposals presented how Fisheries New Zealand proposed to:
- take into account that habitats of significance should be protected in fisheries management advice
- identify matters that will influence how we take section 9c of the Act into account
- consider non-fishing stressors on habitats of significance.
Full details were in the consultation documents.
Consultation documents
Draft guidelines for identifying a habitat of particular significance for fisheries management [PDF, 509 KB]
Draft operational proposals for habitats of significance [PDF, 235 KB]